Mindfulness-Based Practices for
Trauma & Resiliency + Humanitarian Aid = Compassionate Action
The Nachan Project brings mindfulness-based practices to the women and children of the Karimojong tribe living in the Katwe slums of Kampala, Uganda as well as humanitarian aid, psycho-social support, public health advocacy and capacity strengthening.
All of this helps keep the women and children from having to beg on the street and safe from traffickers.

At The Nachan Project, we help to empower 250+ women-led households, benefiting approximately 1,500 women and children, by equipping them with practical, sustainable, and culturally appropriate skills. Our mission is to help them move beyond surviving into thriving. We firmly believe that individual well-being and community health are intertwined, forming the cornerstone of our approach.
Our commitment is to provide a hand up, not a "handout". Through our comprehensive programs, we aim to nurture the agency the women have over their own lives and the lives of their children. Ultimately, we envision a future where they lead The Nachan Project themselves, fostering enduring positive change within their communities.

May All Beings Everywhere
Be Free From Pain and Suffering
And May Each One of Us Do Something About That